Performance , 40'| Installation: wood, iron, wax, body , 2015 |Dimensions: 90x90x 300 cm
A work about time, which seems not to pass, and quickly flees.
The story of a woman imprisoned in limbo, a time without time, between tradition and modernity, echoes of a life already lived, or still living.
Me and a big wax doll that slowly melts.
“Crusts of wax fall over the woman's skull, again and again, aging her, covering her hair like snow in the fields. She dances the dance of repetition, faster and faster, animated. And all humanity passes on, between it and us: old age, youth, birth and death...”
Sharon Tofanelli and Andrea Bernardo,“Teatro.persinsala.it”
A research on the feminine that puts in dialogue the sacred world of Santas de Roca with the profane world of traditional tales.
a project by and with: Costanza Givone
assistance and co-creation: Susana Gaspar, João Vladimiro
sound: Stefano Ciardi
light: Luis Ternus
Object: João Calixto
photo and video: João Vladimiro
photo: Angelica D'Agliano
Production: Costanza Givone
co-production: Associazione dello Scompiglio
financial support: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
artistic residencies: Circolando, Fórum Dança/ Rumo do Fumo, Zdb/Negocio
thanks: Artemrede associated theaters, Crisitina Lorimer, João Nogueira, Maria José Passos, Cecilia Bertoni and the entire team at Teatro dello Scompiglio
Age group: over 16 (the show contains nude scenes)
Audience: Max. 150 people