Costanza is a multidisciplinary artist, raised in Italy and currently based in Porto. She holds a master degree in performing arts and a post-graduate degree in Contemporary dance (ESMAE, Porto). She studied contemporary dance at CEM (Lisbon) and CPDC (Florence), biomechanics with Nikolaj Karpov (from the GITIS academy, Mosca).In her artistic career she highlights the artists Virgilio Sieni, Simona Bucci, Sofia Neuparth, Peter Michael Dietz, Vera Mantero, Alexej Merkushev (Derevo theatre), Gey Pin Ang, Gabriella Bartolomei, with whom she studied e the choreographers and directors Madalena Victorino, Aldara Bizarro, André Braga e Cláudia Figueiredo, with whom she worked. In 2006 she cofounded the theatre company Zaches Teatro to work on the relation between puppet theatre, dance and performance. The show "one reel" won the awards "Nuove Espressioni Teatrali 2007" "Play Arezzo 2007", and had a special mention in the "Beckett & Puppets Award 2006”. The performance “Faustus!Faustus!” won “Best innovation show" at the International Festival "Great Petrushka" in Ekaterinburg (Russia) and the special award at the International Festival of Children's Theatre in Subotica (Serbia). Since 2019 she is artistic director of Fogo Lento - cultural association.
Aquisição Fundação Bienal de Cerveira
2022 para "lapso"
Isabel Alves Costa Scholarship 2018 for
"Fogo Lento"
PORTO - 2018
Acquisition of EDP/MAAT Foundation Fuso Festival 2021 for "lapso"
LISBON - 2021
Finalist at Premio Scenario
"Salomé ha perso il lume"
ITALIA- 2012
contact me
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Tel - (00351)915951342