Performance , 50' | Installation: plaster, gauze, pigment, water, plastic, brick, rope, iron, sound, 2021 | Dimensions: 6x4.5x2.5m | Target public: over 16 years old
A studio, a workshop, heaped materials. A woman prepares to make a plaster cast. She covers her body with this pasty matter and waits. The plaster breaks. Others materials wrap the body, limit and transform her, creating grotesque beings in constant mutation. Mirages of something that was forgotten or simply hidden. Figures that inhabit this woman and that she embraces. "Figure" from latin: Figura, from the theme fingere: mold, model.
Exposição is a multidisciplinary performance that dwells on the conflict between public and private self of women in contemporary Western society. The transformation that takes place during motherhood and the difficulty to fit in the representations of feminine that society offers, led me to create a performance to reflects on the friction between being and appearing. The manipulation of raw materials led the performer into a trip populated by mythical and ordinary figures, inhabitants of her inner world.
Mediation practices and community participation:
During the process, we shared our plastic and sound research in a workshop open to the community. The developed work served as inspiration for the construction of the soundtrack of the performance. In venues with this interest, the artistic director works with a local female choir which will participate in the performance.

Artistic direction/performer: Costanza Givone;
Composer: Ece Canli;
Live Sound design: Rafael Maia;
Objects e Scenography: Sandra Neves;
Light design: Mariana Figueroa;
Artistic assistant: João Vladimiro e Susana Gaspar;
Direction of production: Thamiris Carvalho;
Vídeo and design: João Vladimiro; Photography: Pedro Sardinha;
Production:Fogo Lento – Associação Cultural;
Co-production:Teatro Municipal do Porto e Companhia Instável ;
Support: República Portuguesa - Cultural/DGArtes, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian;
Artistic residency and support: CAMPO; CRL-Central Elétrica; Espaço do Tempo; Materiais Diversos